From writer Janet Fitch in a NaNoWriMo email :
"I know it feels like you have all these options and when you make a decision, you lose a world of possibilities. But the reality is, until you make a decision, you have nothing at all."
This is a quote about writing in general, but I made the decision to enter something I had written last May to the Writer’s Digest short-short story contest, under 1500 words. I just did it. That is a first for me. MY JUDGEMENT is that it is a completely weird piece. That no one but ME could possibly understand it. That may very well be. But submitting it was much easier than doing something like that would have been in the past. I just did it. And who knows what a reader might think? Who knows if it says anything at all in such a short space. I want it to be totally creepy. I do not know if I have succeeded. But I submitted it. How cool is that??
Wrote 2064 words.
New total: 37,452