Thursday, November 13, 2008


From Comedy Central… No: from my computer.

I was going to take it easy, begin writing later in the day, but I had two dreams that I wanted to write about and incorporate into my novel.

Dreams are important to my main character—she believes that her dead father communicates with her through her dreams and helps her solve puzzles and crime mysteries. So—In my first dream a number of people are seated in a circle and the ceiling opens up and they are sprinkled with Parmesan cheese.

In my second dream, I am given the opportunity to have a table at a farmer’s market, but I have to buy the produce that I sell at the A & P.

Don’t make sense, but now they are the dreams of my protagonist, and she can deal with interpreting them!

I remember now—if I write first thing in the morning it all flows so much easier. BUT. I am a morning person. EVERYTHING I do in the morning is easier than anything I try to do later. The morning is the perfect time for : writing/ painting/exercising—even cleaning. BUT THERE IS ONLY ONE MORNING EACH DAY. There is only one “first thing in the morning” thing. So decisions must be made. Attention must be paid. Thank you Arthur Miller.

I have also learned that I can feel lousy and still write. In fact, it takes my mind off feeling lousy. I did not know that. I thought I had to feel good to do my creative work. Now I know I do not. Have to feel good that is. Weird sort of revelation.

I also thought that my work area could not be messy if I wanted to be creative. That is so not true. It would be nice not to have the piles of paper on the floor, but they have become irrelevant to my task. That is weird too.

So—I can be a writer even though I am sick and my workplace is messy. I can be a sick messy writer. Is that encouraging?

1669 words, without adding any new scenes, just “deepening.”

New total: 25,088

MORE than half way to goal. Wow. And only day #13.

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