Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Getting a very late writing start today.

Wonderful last phone call with Jen's phone group.

Then I went to a poetry reading at Pace U. A poet named Deborah Poe.

What struck me was that all of these people—many college students—were sitting silently, listening to the poet read. By virtue of their being there, the words of the poet had meaning. I had a hard time following the gist of each poem. But it meant something for her to be sharing her writing with the assembled audience. There was meaning in the air. I had the sense that by listening to her we gave validity to her being a writer.

And now to my writing.
Today is extremely difficult. It is late afternoon, I am tired, and I hate trying to write at this time of day. I find myself having these little escapist thoughts. “Can’t I just NOT write anymore today?” “Isn’t there a way to up my word count tomorrow and skip today?” And worse worser worst thoughts: this is crap why am I bothering?

It is really like placing one foot in front of another, except that I am placing one word next to another. Plod Plod Plod over the page.
Okay. Done. 2002 words.
New Total: 33,381

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